
We dedicate the merit accumulated by making this treasure of teachings available, by listening, studying, contemplating and meditating on it ā€“ for enhancing the understanding of the Buddhist wisdom and for generating compassion and Bodhicitta in our hearts, so we all can proceed on the Buddhist path in this life and future lives and eventually attain full awakening for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Introduction to Emptiness at Tushita Meditation Center

2018 Oct – 3 parts

Review classes after HH Taiwanese Teachings

2018 Oct – 3 parts

Review classes after HH Asian Teachings

2018 Sep – 4 parts

Sukavati Pure Land Teachings at Tibetan BC Singapore

2018 Jan – 3 parts

Tale of a Wish Fulfilling Dream by Arya Nagarjuna

2017 Nov – 7 parts

Review classes after HH Taiwanese Teachings

2017 Oct – 4 parts

Review classes after HH Asian Teachings

2017 Sep – 4 parts

Mind Training at Tibetan BC Singapore

2017 Jan – 2 parts

Dependent Arising and Non-Violence

2016 Oct – 10 parts

Review classes after HH Taiwanese Teachings

2016 Oct – 3 parts

Introduction to Abhirati Pure Land

2015 Oct – 5 parts

Madhyamika | Middle Way

2015 Sep – 26 parts

Qualities of a Buddha

2009 Nov – 43 parts

Template forĀ  Teachings

2088 Sep – 4 parts

The Four Noble Truths (not based on the concept of past and future lives)

2088 Sep – 4 parts