geshethuptenpalsangla profile





Geshe Thupten Palsang was born in 1965 to a Tibetan family in Nyeshang, Manang District, Annapurna, Nepal. At the age of ten, his brother, Geshe Thupten Wangyal, brought him to the Dip Tse-Chok-Ling Monastery in India, where he received novice [Tibetan, Getsul] monk vows.

About The Website

Welcome to Geshe Thupten Palsang’s Teachings Website.
We are a group of Dharma students who had the good karma of living in Dharamsala for a period of time (some of us still are!) and the great opportunity to have met with some amazing Dharma teachers. Among them is our kind and precious teacher Geshe Thupten Palsang.

Geshe La was born in Nepal into a Tibetan family. At the age of 10 he was ordained as a novice monk at Dip Tse-Chok-Ling Monastery in McLeod Ganj; at 15 he was admitted to Drepung Loseling Monastry¹; and at 20 he received full ordination from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. In 1997, after 17 years of intense studies Ven. Thupten Palsang attained the Geshe degree from Drepung Loseling Monastery. For more information on Geshe La, please read the Bio here

From the 2000’s Geshe Thupten Palsang occasionally gave teachings at his monastery Dip Tse- chok-Ling in McLeod Ganj, since 2015 wehave been privileged to attend Geshe la classes translated into English by Geshe Kelsang Wangmo). For us Geshe Thupten Palsang is an excellent, unique and very inspiring teacher – he is the embodiment of a great scholar and a great yogi. His teachings are experiential, given according to the deep understanding he attained through reflecting and meditating time and time again over many years. Geshe la is a living example of complete integration of the Dharma into one’s life.

We are confident that having access to the recordings of Geshe Thupten Palsang’s teachings would greatly benefit many Dharma students who are interested in Buddhist Philosophy. For us, who are only simple, ordinary students trying to follow the Buddhist path, Gen La classes provide clear instructions on how to reflect and meditate on the Dharma in an effective way.

So with great pleasure, we introduce you to “” website – the archive of the teachings of Geshe Thupten Palsang available in English.

We would like to express our deep appreciation and gratitude to:
– Geshe Thupten Palsang, for being so kind in teaching us and sharing his experiences with us;
– to Geshe Kelsang Wangmo for translating most of Geshe Thupten Palsang’s classes to English and make it available for English speaking students
– to our Dharma friends from Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan who wisely have been keeping records of Geshe La’s classes throughout the years and kindly have been sharing them.
– To our friend Felipe, who worked relentlessly to upload all the recordings of Geshe La teachings, and created this website single-handedly;
– And to our Dharma friends from Singapore, Israel, Germany, Italy and other places for their continuing support of this website.

We dedicate the merit accumulated by making this treasure of teachings available, by listening, studying, contemplating and meditating on it – for enhancing the understanding of the Buddhist wisdom and for generating compassion and Bodhicitta in our hearts, so we all can proceed on the Buddhist path in this life and future lives and eventually attain full awakening for the benefit of all sentient beings.


¹ Drepung Loseling Monastery was one of Tibet’s largest monastic universities. Located in the hills on the northern outskirts of Lhasa, it was established in 1416 as an institute of higher Buddhist education by Khenpo Lekden, a direct disciple of Lama Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), founder of the eclectic Geluk School. The First Dalai Lama was also a disciple of Lama Tsongkhapa, and the Second Dalai Lama built a residence in Drepung, called the Ganden Potrang, which remained a hereditary seat of all subsequent Dalai Lamas.